How To Prepare Outdoor Gear For Self Storage

Keeping the outdoor gear at home that you use only once in a while is not a smart idea. It can take up too much space and it may not be preserved in the correct manner if you just stash it in your basement. A simple solution to this problem is to consider putting it in a self storage facility in Sydney.
If you can’t go in for that option, you can always put it in a storage unit and keep the storage unit in or around your home. No matter which of the options you choose, you need to take some simple steps to ensure that the products are stored in the right manner. Here are some simple suggestions on how to store the stuff in an ideal manner.
Storing Canoe or Kayak
If you make use of a Canoe or a Kayak, you need to ensure that you clean them thoroughly. After you have cleaned them, you also need to ensure that they are dry. It would also be a good idea to check if the bugs have made a home inside the Canoe or Kayak as it’s very common.
It would also be a good idea to see to it that the equipment is covered so that new bugs don’t get the opportunity to get inside. If the bugs remain in the equipment for a long time, they can ruin the rubber or foam materials.
If you own an inflatable kayak, you must ensure that the storage area doesn’t have too low temperatures as the material can be easily damaged in such a situation. In case you don’t wish to invest in a rack for the boat, you can store it against any wall by ensuring that it’s on its side. If you don’t have many items to store, a boat could easily fit in a 10X15 or 5X10 units.
Storing the Camping Gear
If you own some camping equipment you should remember to store it properly too. The first step in this regard should be to lay out your gear and organize it. Then you need to create a list of the inventory. Again, you must focus on cleaning every piece of equipment before storing it.
If you make the mistake of not cleaning cooking products, it will attract hungry critters. Mould and mildew can make your tents and sleeping bags their home if you don’t clean them and dry them completely.
Packing Tips
When packing the outdoor gear for self storage in Sydney, you must remember to label each of the boxes. It would also be a smart idea to not put a lot of stuff in one box and make it too heavy to lift. Flammable unitsmust never be kept with lighter fluids or propane tanks.
When storing flashlights, headlamps and GPS their batteries must be removed as not doing so would lead to corrosion. After you have removed the batteries, you need to keep them separately too.